C is for Christmas! F is for Free Lesson!!


I was looking for a cute Christmas book to give to some of the young people in my life 51z-ca1npFL._SY498_BO1,204,203,200_and I fell in love with C IS FOR CHRISTMAS by Michelle Medlock Adams. This sweet rhyming book not only tells the story of Christmas, but it also includes secular and family traditions of the holiday. It is the perfect book to give as a gift AND to use in a Christian or Homeschool Classroom.

A trip through the alphabet tells readers tht J is for Joseph, and K is for Kings in the biblical story. It also gives examples of holiday traditions with L is for Lights, P is for Pacakges, and R is for Ribbons.

You can use this book to talk to your students about their family traditions and how they celebrate the season. As a matter of fact I have created a lesson plan and activity sheet for you to use with your students.

So go to the library or bookstore and grab a copy of this little gem and enjoy the gift of a fun Christmas lesson.


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